Leather Pants - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Leather Pants

By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  • Release Date: 2017-03-03
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
Score: 4.5
From 15 Ratings


From New York Times Bestseller, Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, Comes Book #2 of The Happy Pants Cafe Series

It Only Takes One Hot Rock Star To Ruin Your Life…  
The youngest woman to ever sit on the bench, the Honorable Sarah Rae Alma has busted her butt to get where she is. No fun. No distractions. And definitely no bad boys. In fact, she takes a certain pleasure in crushing their souls—yes, she has her reasons. 

So when rock-n-roll’s most famous bad boy, the legendary Colton Young, enters her court, looking hotter than sin and smugger than hell, she’s just itching to serve a little justice. 

But Sarah’s about to make the biggest mistake of her life. And her fate will land squarely in the hands of the world’s most notorious rock star rebel. 

Will he crush her? Or will he tempt her to take a walk on the wild side?


  • Loved Every Strum of His Guitar!

    By Cali Jewel
    Highly Entertaining, Emotional Roller-Coaster, Fun Filled, Laugh Out Load, Opposites Attract Romance. This Romantic Comedy Adventure has it all, Heart of gold bad boy, Stick in the Mud Good Girl, Mentally unstable Villains, and a whole crew of crazy fun loving supportive friends. What more could a reader want for a fun Saturday Night right. Sarah has forgotten what fun really is and Colt has a deep need for her calming presence. They complete each other in ways that are so real and emotional you can't help but root for a happy ending. Let the cookies fall where they may, I can't wait for the next Happy Pants Cafe adventure.
