Total Freedom - Ann M Pratley

Total Freedom

By Ann M Pratley

  • Release Date: 2016-11-01
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance


For Debbie King, life began feeling like it was all too difficult, like she would never achieve, she would never have friends, and she would simply never fit in. But when she meets someone new who seems just like her, with low self-esteem and no belief in themselves and what they have to offer, Debbie finds strength to focus more on them and less on herself.

So begins an incredible journey of friendship and love that will be tested by other people entering their world, and the shared passion they have for their musical talents and career together. It is a deep friendship that will be tested over and over again by events and an ongoing uncertainty over what their relationship really should really be like.

Embark on a journey from the intense emotions of teenage years, and on through adult life eventualities such as marriage, parenting, post natal depression, and a never ending uncertainty about a life choice that eventually contributes to infidelity.

Reviewers say:
"The overall story was great and hooked me right in. I had to stay with them for the entire journey … you know it’s a good story when you wish it didn’t have to end."

"… an incredible job developing complex characters that are emotionally scarred and then allowing the reader to really understand their pain … a terrific coming of age story surrounding a triangle of young characters, Debbie, Craig and Steven."

"Covered a lot of different things that can happen as we grow and was appealing for that reason. Good questioning about whether friends of opposite sex should be friends, lovers or more. Like to read more from this writer."

"Covers many aspects of growing up, and I would say that if you start it and you find it 'young' at the start, stick with it and see it through to the end because you will find the development and evolving of the characters interesting."
