God of Wine - Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

God of Wine

By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

  • Release Date: 2016-11-25
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
Score: 4.5
From 18 Ratings


From New York Times Bestseller Mimi Jean Pamfiloff, Comes Book #3 of the Immortal Matchmakers Inc. Series. (Standalone)

HIS MISSION: Lose Beer Belly. Find Perfect Woman. Save World.

The God of Wine has been partying for over ten thousand years, and New Year's Eve, when humans around the world succumb to his naturally occurring spike in powers, is his biggest night. Only this year, a plague is sweeping the immortal community, and he's turning downright evil (dear gods, what language!). All those New Year's bashes will turn into bloodbaths if he doesn't stop the transformation.

Sadly, the only known cure is finding a mate. Not so easy for a rude, beer-bellied mess who's definitely not husband material.

But can a little gym-time and help from the pros at Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. turn him into a divine sex-machine the ladies will want? Or will it take something more?

This dirty, dirty book contains a buck-naked god, sloppy drunkenness, the c-word, f-word, p-word, d-word—okay, neverthehell mind! It has a lot of f**king bad words. Okay?—invisible unicorns, outrageously sized penises, cocktail recipes, leather pants, no pants, and one healthy eating tip.

If you do not like dirty, dirty books with buck-naked gods, sloppy drunkenness, the c-word, f-word, p-word, d-word—yes, yes, all the bad words—invisible unicorns, outrageously sized penises, cocktail recipes, leather pants, no pants, and healthy eating tips, then this book might not be for you. (But feel free to gift it to your naughty, slutty friend with the gutter mouth.)


  • Oh. My. Gods.

    By RomanceNovelGiveaways
    Oh. My. Gods. What a fun book! While it no doubt would have been better if I had red the previous books in the series, I was still able to enjoy this installment without having read them. I met many entertaining people and deities (creatures, too), and even got to see the latest development in a minor storyline that will unfold over the course of the series. As usual, Mimi gave me several laugh-out-loud moments while at the same time left me fanning myself after a couple of steamy almost-love scenes (yes, there was more than one!) The story kept me engaged and eagerly turning the pages, and I am now a HUGE fan of the series and can't wait for the next book!!! (I received a copy of this book in consideration of an honest review)
  • It’s like Mission Impossible meets the Dating Game for the socially inept.

    By Princess Shibby
    I received a REVIEW copy in exchange for an honest review God of Wine, Intoxication, and … oh that new found power is not good at all Acan, better known as Belch has a matter of weeks to find his perfect mate or become a force of immeasurable destruction to the human race. How hard could it be to lose the beer belly he’s acquired over the last 10,000 years, find and win the perfect mate, and save the World from himself. Easy right? Not so much, when he can’t even remember to wear pants. With New Years Eve just a few weeks away Acan’s powers will naturally spike affecting millions of people but this time it will be a bloodbath unless he can stop the conversion to evil. A chance meeting in an elevator with a drunk, naked, crude man is not Margareta’s idea of a good time. Yet when he “compliments” her womanly attributes she is both disgusted and turned on. He’s the opposite of everything she admires in a person. Margareta owns a gym, eats healthy, works hard, and NEVER imbibes in alcohol so what is it about this guy that she is so drawn to, and why has she agreed to try and help him? None of his brethren take Belch seriously; he has no marketable skills or powers as far as they are concerned. I mean what is the point of being able to know every person’s perfect drink just by looking them in the eye? How does that do anything for humanity other than result perpetual hangovers? A mere teenager in mentality Belch needs a personal assistant just to ensure he has underwear on let alone pants. So when all the gods except Zac (who has his own problems) are suddenly indisposed he must rely on himself to find his mate save humanity. Acan and Margareta must navigate the minefields of their individual pasts to see if what they have is more than mutual disgust and attraction. Can Margareta look past his exterior to see the man that has hidden depths that not even he is aware of? And can he be the man to help Margareta move beyond her own issues from a haunted past? Mimi has a knack for writing characters that are inherently flawed, but still relatable. You can’t help but laugh at their missteps and root for their success.
  • So funny!

    By Salina74
    Another great book by Mimi. I was laughing out loud for most of the book. Can't wait to for the next book!
  • The Party God ..... Ohhh my God

    By Cali Jewel
    Read this book yesterday instead of Black Friday shopping and I am so extremely glad that I did. (with a hangover from thanksgiving night drinking which I thought very appropriate given the god I was reading about.) Hurt to laugh with my two day hangover but was well worth it. Acan, the God of Wine and Intoxication is my kinda God ... Loved him from the first intro in the Accidentally Yours series. He is just always good for a giggle at least and full out laugh at best. This awesome look into his full personality was the best I feel like I really know him now. Margarita is so much fun to read about an Amish raised health junkie with a strong reason to hate drinking Wow. The ups and downs between them and the way they stumble through trying to make things work for the greater good very entertaining and insightful. And ohhh my God Zac (my favorite God) so need to know what happens there. Eagerly awaiting the next Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. tail.
