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  • Get ready for a first-arc summary

    By L. Sullivan
    Do you like reading about the kids? Because there's a lot of stuff about kids and babies. A couple story arcs kind of tie all the scenes together, and the groundwork is laid for a couple more definite stories. Not the book I'd recommend for an intro to the series. It's more like a massive status update for all the existing groups with a little bit of expansion and a little bit of political theory.
  • I love this series!!!

    By Yvette Br.
    This book was amazing! I loved seeing all of the characters again and seeing how far they've come. This book made me so happy. I found myself going back to previous books in the series and re-reading the main parts and getting excited all over again. Nalini Singh is the only author that can connect 15 books and tie up so many loose ends and making it flow perfectly. I'm soooo excited about the next story arc. I can't wait to see new characters and I'm confident that we'll still see plenty of the old characters too. This is one of my favorite series. I can't wait to explore more of is world. <3
  • Forgettable, only for diehard fans

    By Bornromantic
    Feel free to skip this installment, you won't be missing anything. Mostly we are just hanging out with characters we already know. However, since they're all blissfully mated/married, there isn't really much dramatic tension or emotional growth for them to go through. The novel lays the groundwork for future conflict with the Consortium, but so far I don't find the Consortium compelling as an enemy (certainly not compared to the Council in the early books of this series). All good things must come to an end, even the beloved Psy-Changling series.
  • Adored this story!!!

    By Mslizalou
    Nalini Singh has been an auto-buy author for me from the moment I read my very first Guild Hunter book. Yes I started reading Guild Hunter before the Psy-Changelings, but in my defense, there were only 4 of the Guild Hunter books at the time and at least 8 Psy-Changelings. As soon as I read Slave to Sensation I was hooked and now can't wait for the release of each new book in the series. Allegiance of Honor was so worth the wait! I absolutely adored Allegiance of Honor. I knew in advance it was going to be an ensemble story, not just focusing on just one main couple as other books in the series. I loved getting to spend time with so many of my favorite couples. I especially loved time with Lucas, Sasha and Naya. I have to also say that the time spent with Sasha and Nikita and Naya absolutely was one of my most favorite parts of the book. It gave me new respect for Nikita and also made me want to see Nikita and Anthony have a relationship, as he is so protective of Nikita. I also loved watching Naya grow and start to shift. I just wanted to cuddle her, especially since she is a target now since she is the first every child who is both Psy and Changeling. I loved getting to see the progression of the Arrows as they worked to turn the squad from a squad of killers to a pack family. Yes they are still killers, but they aren't only killers now. I really think Aden and the other Arrows are on the right track and look forward to seeing all they can do while working with the other Psy, Changelings, humans, and the Forgotten. It was also common knowledge that Riley and Mercy's pupcubs would finally be born in Allegiance of Honor. I would have loved more one on one time with Riley and Mercy, but did love that we finally found out about how many babies and the sexes and type of changelings of each. There is more time with the Water Changelings in this book. While I'm starting to like the various characters we've met, it felt like they got more page time than some of my other favorite characters. Again, I'm starting to connect with these characters and can see them being huge allies to the other Changelings and the Psy. As hard as everyone worked to help them out, I hope they return the favors in the future. I was hooked on Allegiance of Honor from the very first page. In fact I moved it up on my reading list as I needed a comfort read, and without reading it first, I just knew that once again Nalini Singh would deliver me a book I would want to read over and over again. I love this series so much and would put Allegiance of Honor on my re-read list anytime I need a comfort read. Review copy provided by publisher
