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  • Celtic Viking

    By kchesh
    The most historically inaccurate book I have ever read. Showers , coffee, and no comprehension of the peoples of the time. Please learn about what you are writing about.
  • Celtic Viking

    By Zipper24
    Author, please do your homework! If you paid an editor, you need to get your money back. In addition to poor grammatical structure and dialogue you made significant error in facts. Yes, we all understand that this is a fictional book. However, it is based in a nonfictional setting and in a nonfictional time. The setting is northern England and southern Scotland prior to 900 A.D. You state that a family is growing spinach and Brussels sprouts. RED FLAG! Neither vegetable made an appearance in Central or southern Europe until the 13th century. The earliest known recording of either vegetable in England was not until the 14th century and later. I'm not a gardener, but I do know that prior to the 13th century the Scots ate meat, mostly root vegetables and (head) cabbage, berries and some tree fruits, herbs and flowers. Please... DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
  • Celtic Viking 1

    By Klasedelase
    Linzi is a girl who is coming into her womanhood. She wants what most girls her age want a family of her own and a good mate. With a war brewing on the outskirts of the country side she is worried for her brother and father. Her brother goes off to war with his friends. But will she see either one ever again. She discovers a horse and a fallen man on the ground wounded. Will she kill him it will she help him.
