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  • Never seduce a scot

    By romancereader77
    This story was something else. Parts made me cry in sadness and parts made my cry at Graeme’s sweetness. Could’ve been more dialogue but it still had decent amount. Loved it.
  • Fun story

    By quilts4u2
    I enjoyed reading this book.
  • A decent read

    By Jnelle87
    While the words and language were historically inaccurate and all the characters were highly emotional, it was an ok read. I rushed though the last few chapters. Nothing really pulled me in, there was no real angst. The H and h got along from the beginning; made it seem like the book description was misleading. Don't waste your time or money. Just a light hearted, mushy, inaccurate read.
  • Don't know how to express this....

    By pajnstsalauj
    Such a sweet and innocent romantic novel! Loved the characters and their sweet relationship. It's the first time I had ever read something so different and I love it! Although the title of the book is something completely different, I highly recommend this book :) I had a great read and hope to read something similar to this!
  • Bleh

    By Jsmithie
    Her other highland trilogy is better.
  • Great books

    By chazagirl
    I haven't read one of her books before,but I will be reading her from now on. I really got lost in the pages of this story. Maya took me away ever time I started to read her book. I enjoyed this book!!
  • Well done

    By YukariOro
    As someone who has suffered temporary hearing loss a couple of times in my life, first at age 6 and then again in my mid-30s, I have to applaud the author's handling of the subject matter. While I am not deaf, I have suffered the effects from repeated ear infections that have scarred my ear drums and twice required tubes, and at times do find it difficult to understand what I hear even when my hearing is "normal." I too read lips and like the heroine, during my last bout of hearing loss I found it difficult to make out softer voices and tones while deeper sounds caused me fewer problem. To this day I will not go through a drive in window because I cannot compensate for what my hearing misses through lip reading. Lip reading I think is probably not quite understood as it really is, you don't really read the words, but since it's had to understand unless you're used to it yourself, I feel the author has done an admirable job of trying to explain to those who have never had to learn the ability. Though I will say, imagine my surprise during my last bout of hearing loss to realize I could lip read Japanese while taking a beginning Japanese course lol. But perhaps that explains it best, you don't read words, you read the motion of the lips that make familiar sounds that form the words, rather than the words themselves. As for the story, I thought it was wonderful and very touching. For the most part I stopped reading romances because so many heroes are passively aggressively cruel, if not outright cruel, to their love interests. The dysfunctional relationship bothered me, so it was refreshing and heartwarming to encounter a kind, gentle hero like Graeme in a romance. The author has won a fan of me with this story and her handling of hearing loss as well. I look forward to reading further books by the author. P.S. No, not all Scottish clans wore plaids. Lowland Scots rarely if ever wore plaids for example, and fintioned not too differently from the English just across their border. If one does their historical research, they would learn not only this, but that the clan plaid with set colors is actually a more recent invention to build clan loyalty. Before criticizing someone for being historically innacurate maybe some readers might first want to read up on history themselves. As for the title that someone complained about, to my way of thinking seduction can also be emotional and subtle as well as physical. Who can deny that that the hero was seduced by the heroine's charms and personality, to the point of loving her before he knew what had hit him. As for the 21st century speech, if the book was written accurately for the time and location it would be in Gaelic, and we most likely wouldn't be reading it to start with. I had zero problem with the language and the story enthralled me.
  • Love it!!!!!!

    By Zongyang
    Must read!! Maya banks never disappoint on her historical romance novels!! i cannot wait for Bowen sequel.. Great read!!!!!
  • Story like no other

    By MelissaNY666
    Characte being deaf and the time this was set, made a wonderful story.
  • Hmm

    By fantastic_mao
    Quite opposite of 'Never Love A Highlander'. It was well written, I could see she took her time writing this novel. A big disappointment I have is that it always gets too mushy and the ending was quite predictable. Great read though!
