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  • A Good Read

    By Skipper812
    Many will read Brooks for the first time and glory in his world and story-telling genius. Those of us who read the first story Sword of Shanara saw it as a very blatant attempt at ripping off Lord of the Rings. Mr. Brooks even admitted he loved LOTR. And it truly showed in the story. That, that aside, Brooks, like fine cheese or wine seems to age rather well. When the Word and Void series came on the scene I was skeptical not liking urban fantasy. Here, though were the underpinnings of the Vale and the world peopled by the likes of Strider er, uh Allanon and this was welcomed. Yet what I am most happy with is Brooks' story telling. His craft seems to have gotten better with each book he did. Yet he has become a little sloppy lately hence the lack of a star. I would recommend to my friends this book indeed the series which for me seems to become really good with the Elfstones. He has gotten from underneath Tolkien's shadow though I think it a farce to compare him to that writer. The world he gives us is realized only because he gives us our world. Tolkien on the other hand crafted one out of whole cloth complete with history and languages. Give the series a try. I would recommend the reader start with his original Sword of book then go back in time to really appreciate the stories and world fantasy he offers us.
  • Shanara in a new light.

    By Corboncade
    This post apocalyptic American setting caught me off guard, especially when i learned it was the world that walker boh had walked. The Druids are dead. The dwarves are gone. The trolls long defeated. The elves hide, still guarding the world from the faerie demons. Perfect blend of elf stones and guns. Magic and chemical warfare. Enthralling til the last page, and well worth it.
