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  • Why do reviews need titles

    By PapaSmurfy
    A clever book that made me laugh throughout. It’s characters are simple yet the narrator adds complexity and humor to everyone. Really enjoyed the style and the different perspective the humor brought
  • Beyond great!

    By Schlegel.Andre
    All Terry Pratchett's books are great and funny and make you think. This one goes beyond that. This is a book I'll recommend to my son.
  • Oh how I love this book

    By MinnaB
    It is fiction, written purely for entertainment, but it is clever, original funny and well written.
  • Outstanding, knee slapping fun!

    By Muddertrucker jones
    This has been my thirteenth disc world book read. I have loved them all so far and this one is no different. The characters are so powerful in this story and the adventure so exciting. The parodying is so clever and thorough. This one is a definite 5 stars!
  • The best !

    By dancin dragon
    Pritchett at his finest !
  • Required reading for all religious people

    By Captain Smokeblower
    This book should be canonical to every religion, but especially to mine, Christianity. This isn't the story of Everyman, but is the history of every religion, and regrettably a possible future of Christianity in America. (Don't let the desert setting mislead you.) The story is gripping, like being at the middle of a train trestle bridge and hearing a train whistle behind you. If you're not familiar with Discworld you might want to read one of the other books first, just to get a feel for differences between there and here. (Off the top of my head I'd suggest "The Color of Magic.") Still it's the people in the book you see here and now in this world. Some religious leaders might object to the book, just as some did when they perceived Jesus was telling parables about them.
