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    By Prophet Amos
    We need the book: Joseph MCarthy: Reexaming the LIfe & Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator.
  • Compelling, essential history

    By Nacho Lehi
    Absolutely remarkable history. I’ve read about MacArthur before, but nothing compares with the quality and detail of this biography; in part because the author had access to key historical records and materials which previous biographers have not. I don’t think one can feel they have an understanding of the twentieth century - the “American Century” in so many ways - without getting to know a few key individuals, and MacArthur is one of the most important. The author addresses the issues of critics and supporters alike. In the end, MacArthur is an marvelously compelling figure and leader, and my respect for his life and contributions to America and to the world are much greater for having read Mr. Herman’s work. You will not be disappointed.
